Intellectual wellness involves having an open mind about new ideas, finding ways to expand knowledge and skills and seeking out new challenges. It encourages active participation in academic, cultural and community activities.

I would say pretty its important in this ever challenging and changing time in our lives that being open minded, flexible and welcoming change may be the key to thriving not just surviving!

What is the route to Intellectual Wellness?

  1. Read for Fun. Reading, especially something you enjoy, can improve your intellect by stretching your mind to think about things you normally don’t think about!
  2. Journal. Write down your thoughts or stories from throughout your life. This can be a great exercise for your brain, while also helping express feelings.
  3. Play brain games. Grab a pencil and try your hand at sudoku or a crossword puzzle. Go online to Games for the Brain
  4. Improve your time management skills. Poor time management can lead to increased stress, which hinders every aspect of the Wellness Dimensions. Staying organized and on track allows your mind to work more efficiently and effectively.
  5. Talk. Did you know that a simple conversation counts as a brain exercise? Bring up a current event for a discussion with friends. Be open-minded and realize that even if you don’t agree with their point of view, you are expanding your mind by having a lively discussion and hearing new ideas.
  6. Improve your skills .Learning new things about the way your mind processes information can be a vital tool to helping you succeed.
  7. We love to talk in Kindred Business Networking and our conversations go on much after our networking events as we are forming alliances, friendships and collaborative partnerships. Whats your view?#wellnesswednesday

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