In my over twenty years of leadership I have met and worked with many different individuals and I have helped my team to raise the bar and to become the very best version of themselves. We are all so capable of more than we believe we are!

Over those years I have had the pleasure of leading and helping to grow and develop many successful individuals. There are in my opinion 3 character traits or skills that I have recognised that make them powerful.  I thought I would share these with you, as they are, I believe with coaching and support, skills that you can learn.

1.    Resilience

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, toughness. Resilience means knowing how to cope in spite of setbacks, or barriers, or limited resources. Resilience is a measure of how much you want something and how much you are willing, and able, to overcome obstacles to get it. It has to do with your emotional strength. I think of it as ‘failing forward’ it we don’t fail and make mistakes we are never going to learn. I believe from my experience that the three main elements that resilient people possess are

a.    Challenge

b.    Commitment

c.    Control

You can develop resilience in several ways. First, take care to exercise regularly and get enough sleep, so that you can control stress more easily. The stronger you feel physically and emotionally, the easier it is for you to overcome challenges.

Focus on thinking positively, and try to learn from the mistakes you make. Build strong relationships with colleagues and friends, find your tribe so that you have a support network to fall back on. Also, set specific and achievable personal goals that match your values, and work on building your self-confidence.

2.    Consistency

This is critical especially in the current situation around isolation and lockdown. Consistency creates your future. The small things that you do every day create a compound effect. Consistency develops routines and builds momentum. It forms habits that become almost second nature. ... Consistency is especially important in business. Having a daily mode of operation creates a compound effect. People trust you if you are consistent.

3.    Discipline

Personal discipline goes hand in hand with consistency. Discipline is the quality of being able to behave and work in a controlled way which involves obeying particular rules or standards.

Self-discipline is a key to success. The single most important attribute to becoming successful is self-discipline. It helps you stay focused on reaching your goals, gives you the gumption to stick with difficult tasks, and allows you to overcome obstacles and discomfort as you push yourself to new heights.

The fact is that we're going to fail from time to time: it's an inevitable part of living that we make mistakes and occasionally fall flat on our faces. The only way to avoid this is to live a shuttered and meager existence, never trying anything new or taking a risk. Few of us want a life like that!

Instead, we should have the courage to go after our dreams, despite the very real risk that we'll fail in some way or other. Being resilient means that when we do fail, we bounce back, we have the strength to learn the lessons we need to learn, and we can move on to bigger and better things.

I hope that you find this of some use or assistance to you and always open to having a conversation to see how I can help or support you

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